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Let The Drops Fall Where They May...

So I have been using my new essential oils for over a week now. So far I have been very pleased with Simply Earth Essential Oils products. I found out that they are a young company that really delivers on quality and affordability. You can tell they love what they do and they stand behind their brand. They post so many recipes online and they often send out discounts to their loyal customers and, by the way, I love their videos. My husband, who never really used essential oils before, now uses them in the shower and around the house. It cracks me up on how into it he is. You can just imagine this big, burly man, with his diffusers making his "blends." I love it!  I leave a small bottle of Eucalyptus oil in the shower for him to use in the morning. He wakes up with congestion almost every morning and likes to put some drops with some water in his hands and inhale the vapor. He said it totally helps clear up his congestion. He's starting to get use to the spa feel, which I of course welcome.

Some of my "staple" essential oils that I like to always keep are Peppermint, Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus , Frankincense, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and anything citrus. I love Blood Orange, Sweet Orange, etc. That's how I started my small collection because I wasn't too familiar with essential oils in the beginning. I feel when you blend citrus with stronger smelling oils like Eucalyptus and Peppermint it gives it a nice balance.  The other day I made a simple blend of Blood Orange and Peppermint. I put it in a roll-on vial with coconut oil to carry it with me just to give me a mood lift, and oh how I love those two together!  I can smell that all day.  I shared some with my hubby and he loved it. That's just a simple blend. For those of you out there that are a little intimidated about using essential oils, you can start with the basic oils like Lavender, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Bergamot, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus. These oils lend themselves to be used in multiple ways.

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Simply Earth Essential Oils

Simply Earth Essential Oils offers an eBook called(click here): Simply Earth's Free Essential Oil eBook for Beginners for free.  I sent a few copies to some of my friends and family who are beginners and weren't quite sure where to start. Something to note though, although essential oils are therapeutic, they can be harmful if not used properly. The eBook from Simply Earth  really does a nice job in explaining the do's and don'ts. They also include blends and dilutions. It takes the guesswork out of what works well if you are newly starting out. They offer a free (click here) Big Bonus Box which contains 6 small 5ml blend vials, 6 roll on bottles, some carrier oils and other goodies. So, if you are a beginner, this will help you in getting creative with your own personal blends. I have tried many different brands of essential oils in the past. Some were really good and some were ok. I did learn through the years that not all essential oils are the same. It really does matter on the quality of the oils to get their full benefits. I have been very open in trying different brands. I still use some brands that I have bought in the health store, which are very good, but Simply Earth has convinced me that you can still enjoy the things you love without sacrificing quality, even if you are on a budget.

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